How many books are in the Bible? 66. 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament; I’m sure most people are familiar with that. However, what many may not be familiar with is why each book is arranged in its particular order. It’s very easy to assume the books of the Bible are arranged in chorological order. Well, for the most part, they’re not. Let me share with you how the books in the Old Testament are arranged (I think you’ll find this very helpful):
For the Old Testament, remember these numbers, 5-12-5-5-12. Here’s why:
5 Books of Law: (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy). These books were all written by Moses. They contain the origin of the world and man, the history before and after the global flood in the days of Noah, God’s calling and promises made to Abraham and his descendents (the Jews), the Jewish nation’s deliverance from Egyptian slavery, and the years of wondering in the wilderness before they settled into the Promised Land that God gave them. These books contain the law that was to govern the Israelite nation, their religion/ relationship with God and everyday living.
12 Books of History: The next 12 books (Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1&2 Samuel, 1&2 Kings, 1&2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther) are books of history. They record the historical events of God’s chosen nation before Christ.
5 Books of Poetry: (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon). These books contain great information on dealing with suffering, devotional time, singing, wisdom for life, purpose in life and a loving marriage.
5 Books of the Major Prophets: (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel). What was a prophet? A prophet was an inspired preacher/ spokesman for God. He often delivered a message of warning, plea for God’s nation to repent and future punishment brought about by God if His chosen nation does not repent. In addition, he would also predict events such as the coming of God’s King (Jesus) and the establishment of His Kingdom (the church).
12 Books of the Minor Prophets: These books, (Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi), close out the Old Testament. The question generally asked is, “what’s the difference between the Major Prophets and the Minor Prophets?” The best reason I’ve ever found is simply because the books of the Major Prophets are bigger. That’s’ it. It’s not that the Major Prophets are more valuable or important. The books of the Major Prophets are generally greater quantity, but the books of the Minor Prophets are equal in their quality.
If you can remember: 5-12-5-5-12, you can understand how and why the Old Testament books are arranged in the order that they are in. I think you’ll find an understanding of this will help you in your study of the Scriptures.
-Dale P.
The Text: Luke 15:8-10
1. The LOST Coin:
A. An understanding of being lost: to be ________________ from your owner.
B. The coin _______________________ it was lost.
The Lost COIN:
A. Even though it was lost, it never lost it’s _______________.
B. Being lost, it was __________________________________
to its owner.
Exodus 33-Leviticus 13
News and Notes:
-Potluck: Today after morning services.
- 5th Sunday Evening Sing: Tonight.
- Wednesday Evening Bible Class: Highlighting the Minor Prophets. Come and be a part of this inspiring study.
- Ladies Bible Study: Thursday’s at 10:00 here at the building.
- Keep in mind our annual India Missions contribution the 3rd Sunday in March.
- A cradle roll class is now offered in the old toddler classroom for Bible class on Sunday and Wednesday.
A children's class is offered during the sermon for children ages 2-kindergarten. A teacher will gather the children during the song before the sermon.
For The Record:
Morning Worship……00
Evening Worship.........15
Bible Class…….…..….11