We will be hosting a Friday Night Sing on April 26th at 7:00 p.m. Please come if you are able to. Refreshments will be provided following the sing. There will be a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board to help coordinate the refreshments.
Jason & Stajah would like to have another movie night for kids of all ages here at the church building on Friday, May 3rd @ 7:00 p.m.
The next Men’s Business Meeting will be May 12th. All men are encouraged to attend if possible.
There will be a TEEN BOYS’ Bible Study starting in June on Sunday Morning’s. We need men to volunteer to teach this for three weeks at a time.
There is a new sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for teaching the little ones in the children’s church class. We need a teacher for each age group. Thank you to all of you who are so willing to help.
Anyone interested in attending Fort Hill Youth Camp this summer please see sign up information posted on bulletin board.
Jason and Stajah have volunteered to maintain the blog for the church. You can see the blog by going to: southloganchurchofchrist.blogspot.com
Also visit the church on Facebook which is being maintained by Jason & Stajah
Pantry item for this week: Peanut Butter
** Please keep the families & loved ones of those affected by the bombings in Massachusetts this past week in your thoughts & prayers.
Morning Worship……61
Evening Worship.........24
Bible Class…….…..…26
For a Faith that will not Shrink...
...in the face of Correction
Wednesday's Adult Bible Class will continue to study the first chapter of Luke. At the end of each chapter we will have a supporting question sheet to enrich our understanding of God's word.