Saturday, March 30, 2013

Family Movie Night

We had a great time at our Movie Night last night!! It was so great to have everybody out to eat popcorn and snacks and watch a movie together. We are so glad that those who were able came and fellowshipped with us and had a good time.

There is a photo album on our Facebook page at

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Weekly Bulletin March 24, 2013

Upcoming Events:

Jason & Stajah would like to have a movie night for kids of all ages here at the church building on Friday, March 29th @ 7:00 p.m.  There will be a short devotional consisting of two songs & a prayer prior to the movie starting.  Anyone wishing to contribute popcorn and/or drinks for the movie night may do so.

The next Men’s Business Meeting will be April 7th at 4:30 p.m.  All men are encouraged to attend if possible.

There will be a TEEN BOYS’ Bible Study starting in June on Sunday Morning’s.  We need men to volunteer to teach this for three weeks at a time.

The next meeting for the Ladies Bible Study will be April 7th here in the fellowship room.

News and Notes:  
We were able to raise $5305 for the India Mission Fund last Sunday & its not too late to contribute if you are wanting to but were not able to last week!

We want to extend our condolences to the Morgan family with the passing of Stephanie’s grandmother, Mary Jewel who passed away this past week.

We also want to extend our condolences to the O’Rourke family with the passing of Bridgette’s mother, Erma Swaim who passed away this past week.

Stajah has volunteered to maintain the blog for the church.  You can see the blog by going to:  Also, she is maintaining the Facebook page for all of the social media users out there.

Pantry item for this week: Canned Fruit

For The Record:

Morning Worship……50

Evening Worship.........21

Bible Class…….…..…22


The 7 "I Ams" of John

  • I am the Bread of Life
  • I am the Light of the World
  • I am the Door
  • I am the Good Shepherd
  • I am the Resurrection
  • I am the Way, the Truth and the Life
  • I am the True Vine

Three Misunderstandings that will cost us our souls.
  • Misunderstanding ourselves
  • Misunderstanding the enemy
  • Misunderstanding the Word

Wednesday's Adult Bible Class will continue to study the first chapter of Luke. At the end of each chapter we will have a supporting question sheet to enrich our understanding of God's word.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Weekly Bulletin March 17, 2013

Mission Fund Collection Day is Today!

Keith Ball will be speaking with us during the Bible class hour as well as during the sermon today. There is also a potluck meal today after morning services. Please stay & fellowship if you are able to.

If you want to give money but are not able to today, put a note in the collection plate with a pledge of how much you are wanting to give.

Upcoming Event:

Jason & Stajah would like to have a movie night for kids of all ages here at the church building on Friday, March 29th @ 7:00 p.m.  There will be a short (5 min) devotional consisting of two songs & a prayer prior to the movie starting.  Anyone wishing to contribute popcorn and/or drinks for the movie night may do so.

The next meeting for the Ladies Bible Study
will be April 7th here
in the fellowship room

News and Notes:  
Thanks to all those who were able to help out at the
Food Bank yesterday!

Judy Hamilton is need of shoe boxes.  
Please see her if you are able to help with this.

Pantry item for this week: Canned Fruit

For The Record:

Morning Worship……75

Evening Worship.........35

Bible Class…….…..…27



The March 17 morning Bible study and sermon were by Keith Ball, the missionary that we help support in his work in India.
His morning study taught about the spiritual state of man, from infancy through our eternal destination (though time only permitted part of the study, really through the age of accountability). He had a fantastic outline-if you'd like a copy, let us know and we will email you this sheet that details what happens to our spirit throughout life and after. 
His morning worship lesson reviewed all of the amazing work he and other Christians are doing in India. The funds collected today are going toward the missionary work in India which is succeeding in fulfilling Christ's commandment to " go..and make disciples of all the nations." People are given Bibles, bicycles are purchased for evangelists to travel from village to village spreading the gospel, clothing is given to men and women in need and Keith's travel and meal needs are met using the funds collected by the South Logan church of Christ. The evangelizing done in India is a wonderful work done and is succeeding in saving souls as Keith reports the conversion of many Indian men and women who are hearing the gospel, believing it to be the truth, confessing Christ as their savior, repenting of their sins and are being baptized into Christ for the remission of their sins. Many are then remaining faithful long after the missionaries have gone home.