Monday, April 2, 2012

Bulletin - April 1, 2012

“The Laws of Morality Don’t Apply To Me”
     It was said of Napoleon that he “always advocated the sanctity of the home and the obligation of public worship – for others.  Of himself he said, ‘I am not a man like other men.  The laws of morality do not apply to me.’”(William Barclay, The Letters to the Corinthians, p. 121) 
     We could say that Napoleon had a “do as I say, not as I do” policy.  The kind of thinking when someone says: “It’s wrong for someone to do this…except me.” Or “It’s good that everyone does this…but I don’t have to.”  This hypocritical thinking is something that any Christian can do.  For instance, if we are busy focusing on all the sins of others, yet neglect to examine ourselves, we’re applying the laws of God to other men, but not to ourselves.  Matthew 7:1-5 teaches us that the standard of judgment (and hopefully that’s the Bible) that we apply to others should first be applied to ourselves.  Sometimes we’ll discover that we not only have the same problem, but even worse. 
    There are two people who are in danger of this:  me and you.      
     ME: Preachers are one’s who can easily fall into the trap of looking at the problems of the congregation and not looking within first.  Each week I prepare and preach at least two sermons to other people on how to live the Christian life.  I constantly must be aware that I’m a sinner saved by God’s grace through faith (Eph. 2:8-9), and still deal with sin in my life; but as I seek to walk in the light, the blood of Christ continues to cleanse me of my sins (1 John 1:7).  The sermon applies just as much to me as it does anyone else.  
     YOU: I’m sure every preacher has had his share of frustration when services are over and as people are heading out the door, someone says, “that was a great sermon, ‘so and so’ really needed to hear that.”  Sometimes I want to ask, “Well, what about you?” “The fact is, we all probably needed to hear it.”  As Christians, we’re here to help one another go to heaven.  May we avoid being the Pharisees in Jesus’ day (Luke 18:9-14). 
-Dale P.

News and Notes:  
-           We want to extend our sympathy to the Hartman family.  Gerry’s father, Jack England passed away last week.  Funeral arrangements are as follows:  Visitation: Monday, 6-8; Funeral: Tuesday, 11:00 - at the Leavitt Funeral Home in Belpre, Ohio. 
-           Community Food Bank:  The one scheduled for this coming Saturday has been cancelled due to the holiday weekend. 
-          Men’s Business Meeting:  Sunday, has been moved to April 15.
-          Brief VBS Meeting:  Sunday, April 8 after morning services to decide on the theme. 
-          Spring Cleaning Day:  Saturday, April 14. 
-           Secret Sister Luncheon: Saturday, April 21. 
-           Our Annual Friday Night Sing:  Friday, April 27, from 7:00-9:00.  We will need refreshments for the fellowship after the service. 
-           Ladies Bible Study:  This Thursday

WEEKLY BIBLE READING: 1 Samuel 18-2 Samuel 12

Morning Worship……47
Evening Worship.........12
Bible Class…….…..….14

WARNING SIGNS OF A FOOL: How to be a Fool-Proof Christian
I.  THE BELIEFS OF A FOOL:  (Psalm 14:1)
He doesn’t _____________________ in God
He doesn’t _____________________ .  
He believes in God, but ______________ as if there is no God (Ps. 14:1)
He is not _________________ to ______________ God (Prov. 10:8).
What he __________________ of himself (Prov. 12:15). 
How he _________________. 
1. When he is given _______________ (Prov. 12:15; 18:2; 15:5). 
2.  When he is ______________________  (Prov. 17:10).  
3.  When he makes ___________________ (Prov. 26:11)
His tongue has no _______________ (Prov. 29:11). 
His tongue gets him into ___________________ (Prov. 18:6-7)
He is ___________________ (Prov. 19:1).
He repeats __________________ (Prov. 10:18). 

 "the churches of Christ greet you..."  Romans 16:16

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