Thursday, January 12, 2012

Church Bulletin - January 8, 2012

How many New Year resolutions have you made or are planning to make this year?  Let me caution you to be realistic in the areas you want to improve your life and be careful not to set too many.  Let’s be honest with ourselves, goals that are difficult to obtain on top of making numerous resolutions that we can’t hardly keep track of will only set us up for failure.  (Keep in mind the New Year is not the only time to make improvements in our lives).
Since we are thinking about resolutions, let me strongly encourage you to do one that will only take about 15 minutes a day: READING THROUGH THE ENTIRE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR!  How many of us have ever wanted to do this?  How many of us have tried to do this and failed by the end of the month or sooner?  Let me mention a few suggestions and additional things we are going to do as a church here that I think may help you in achieving this goal: 1. There will be a weekly reading schedule in the bulletin (which averages out to be 3 chapters a day).  2. I have made an annual reading schedule available in the back to help you track your progress and see your progress.  In case you get behind a week or two, you can pick up where you need to be and eventually make up for those missed days.  3.  Each Sunday whether in the morning or evening, my sermon will be based upon a verse or text from the reading schedule from the week.  4.  It is very helpful if you could find an accountability partner!  A parent, spouse, friend, sibling, etc., both of you hold one another accountable and encourage one another.  5. Feel free to come to me with questions about what you’ve read. 
Out of all the resolutions we can make, this one rates at the top with value, necessity and importance.  I pray this New Year, you will resolve to grow in your relationship with Christ and in a knowledge of God’s Word!
-          Dale Parsley
Weekly Bible Reading (Jan. 8-14): Genesis 25-42

For The Record:


Morning Worship…...60

Evening Worship.........15


Bible Class…….….….13


News and Notes:
-Ladies Bible Study: Thursday's at 10:00, at the church buidling.
-Packing boxes for the community food bank: Saturday, January 21st.

Morning Sermon Outline:
Esau - The Ungodly Son (Genesis 25)

1.  The Meaning of Being Ungodly

2. Devalued the Valuable

3.  Focus of Life Was Only in the Moment

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